Sunday, November 3, 2013

Crazy Cat Lady

Anyone that knows me knows that I am in love with my two kitties.

About three years ago Zoey my calico adopted us in Marysville. She was a baby that couldn’t find her way. I took her in and bagged Steven to let me keep her. He said yes. Now she is a little chub of happy! She loves cuddles and long naps oh and her food bowl.

This year I had another kitty adopted us. He lived two levels above us and was well loved till his owner had to leave. The roommate was not so in love with him and needed him gone. He came in the house one day and I started to feed him and take care of him. A few months in he is very chatter box Slimes named Boots that hunts all day and sleeps somewhat through the night.

About a week ago now he was out all night I went to bed a bet worried but knew he would find his way back in for breakfast.

Morning came and Steven went out for work and Boots came up to the door. Steven knew something was wrong when a trail of blood was left behind him.
He came and got me I was so scared. I cleaned him up and saw a huge hole. Freaking out I knew what it was. A siesta had burst! I didn’t know when but I knew he needed the vet. I made calls all morning to find someone that could do the best care for the best price. Family Pet was the best. (Anyone need a vet Family Pet in Arlington, WA is amazing!)

A day later and $263 less we now had a pissed off Slimes with a drain in his head right below the ear. Twice a day for seven days now we have been giving him pain meds and having to force drain him TWICE A DAY!

Three days into him being trapped, unhappy, tired and med up, he made a jail brake. Steven was outside picking something up and I needed to talk to him so I went for the door and so did Boots, cone and all. Freaking out we rushed around looking talking to people that lived around us searching in the dark.
I call my mom crying and freaking out. I was sitting outside crying and out of nowhere Boots comes out from under our car, walks up to me and cries out. Not a mark on him anywhere! Wanting in my warm sweatshirt we go back in. He has now learned to trust and love us. He is warming up to us more than I ever thought he would.

 As you can imagine we have all been stressed and tired. Poor Steven has had to live with a stressed out kitty mama and two unhappy cats.

Boots is healing nicely and has now taken up sleeping on my work chair and crying all night till someone (ME) goes on the coach to cuddle him back to sleep.

We pray we will never have to go through something like this again. But we are so thankful for all the help and best wishes everyone sent him. We are so glad that he is feeling better.
Special thanks to my mama Deena who drove Mr. Boots and I to the vet.

Friday, October 25, 2013


          I have come to the age where I am on my “own”. Meaning I no longer live with my parents but with my husband (boyfriendL). Which mean I am the “manager” of this home, in money, future children, keeping house, and up-lift Steven.

With money I always thought managing it meant that you put your bills on paper look at the bank account PRAY you have enough in there and then write a check that will hopeful go through when it gets to its place. For four years I have done this. We have yet to have a check bounce or be denied for whatever reason. (This is an act of GOD.) But living in this fear makes us sick and with no peace.
      Then slowly with us pretending that this will all just be okay and go away we started to lose things, like our faith in God and the second car that I used and soon our last car. 
      With the losing of faith we have gotten depressed and feeling alone, scared, hopeless and losing the things that were promised to us when we put our lives in God’s hands.   
      The car! Well we lost mine and Steven’s has never really run just right. Finely it is almost fully dead. We have been “trying” to save up to fix it but just can’t seem to get there.
      Steven came home last night from work and told me that he has found a buy for our guns. Now if you know Steven this is like me telling him that I don’t love him and that I am leaving… this is a huge thing! I was mad so mad I couldn’t understand that what he was doing was putting our worldly treasures to good use. It was a switch guns for a working car and a hope of a second car for me to use.
      All night i was mad and couldn’t see pass my own problem. I went to Steven after dinner and said I was sorry because going to bed with him thinking I was mad was something I couldn’t live with. He then told me that he just felt that for five years now there was a reason for him saving and buying those guns and now he sees the reason. The car is more important it will get us to and from work to keep us living in a state of comfort.
      I then realized today as washing our dishes Matthew 6:19-21. Why couldn’t I see this sooner I wept to God? What was I thinking! Was I really so over taken by the devil of false treasures?  To not see the thing that we teach our children!
       I felt peace and cared for in a way I can’t explain. Then I went on the search like ever God believer does what is treasure? What does God say about it? What is his treasure? I want to understand! I then went to the back of my bible sang my A B C’s till I found T ran my finger down to TREASURE and found this…

TREASURE (D) (S) valuable object (physical or spiritual)
Exudes 19:5
Proverbs 10:2
Matthew 6:19-21, 13:44  

And started to read…

I found Gods treasure was Exodus 19:5. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. WHAT I am Gods treasure when I put my faith in Him!!!

Then I read Proverbs 10:2 Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but Righteousness delivers from death. What does this mean I thought?  Bible please explain yourself here, “Some people bring unhappiness on themselves by choosing ill-gotten treasures. For example, craving satisfaction, they may do something that destroys their chance of ever achieving happiness. God’s principles for right living bring lasting happiness because they guide us to long-term right behavior in spite of our ever-changing feelings.” I took this as if you are craving “worldly” things for me it’s the need to dress like my girlfriends or have a new phone that the radio is advertising or wanted to have a something that we just can’t afford. And God told me as his child that this is wrong. You can want but you want the wrong things. He wants me to behave like His not the devils. That calls me to manage our money smartly to look at the worldly treasures and say, “I want you but I don’t need you. I need a car that runs.”

Which leads me to, Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be. PEACE!

Then I read what Jesus himself said in Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”  I started to cry again I’ll be honest. God gave us the kingdom of heaven as a treasure even though it has a bigger price tag then any of us could ever have money for.

See it is bigger than just worldly things like a gun, or a new shirt, new phones, and even a car. We are told to look at the world then look at heaven and chose! For my family we chose God and by doing that we chose to keep the things we need and to give up what we don’t.

I will let you go about your day now with this. Pray! Pray for your treasures for your heart is there. Is it really something you need or just want?

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Sun Is Out!!

Seattle, Washington Sun

This is a huge thing in Seattle, we have had sun for two days straight and we are going to have more then say!! What?! Don't get me wrong I am not crying about this one bit. So what does this Washington girl do in the sun? 


I take a LOT of Instagram photos. I mean why wouldn't you, we have no idea when this will happen again. We must document this! LOL

I watch the fog clear off of the lake early in the morning.
Bring all my school books outside!

Clean up around the house!

Think about how much of a show off my loving God is!! :P

Play with the happy warm kitty!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Thing I Thought Would NEVER Happen to Me

The Thing I Thought Would NEVER Happen to Me

This week i am going to do something a bit different meaning, that i am going to share with you something that i thought would never happen to me.

As some of you might know i started going back to school. I am taking one class, math (ick), something that will help me find my calling in life. Hubby and I chose for me to start taking the bus. (way cheaper)

This was my first week of going back to school. Monday, and Tuesday were a huge learning curve for me, not just the class. I missed buses got so very lost and even had my mom and dad pick me up at random places I ended up at. But that is not where this story is going.

Wednesday I figured the bus out I was on time I found my way to and from school, however on my second morning bus my life changed without me even knowing. I set down and started to read my book were I left off. I was asked by a man about my age what I was reading. I not wanting to be rude told him and went back to reading. This was maybe a 20 word conversation that was what turned me life. I then got off the bus and walked to class.

On my journey home I caught all the right buses and was on my last bus home. I got to my stop exited the bus with a polite thank you and see you tomorrow to the buses driver. I then in-barged on my 15min walk home. Little did I know someone was taking the walk home with me....

I reached to my mail box got my bills, and turned to the voice of a man saying "I don't mean to sound creepy but i had an into-wish-en to follow you. I don't even live in this town."  this was the same man that asked me about my book. I had no clue i was being followed and watched all day. I rushed with an answer of "my husband is home and I need to leave, if you would like to be friends okay but I must go." (Saying this to not spook and start a fight I was not armed to win.)

I rushed into my home called the three closes men to me, my husband, a friend I grown up with, and the man my husband sees as a brother. They raced from three different places to my aid.

I was now locked into my house with my cat and my gun. Waiting for my friends and the cops to show. Crying and shaking my husbands friend showed up and talked me out of the house, two seconds later my husband shows and two seconds behind him my friend shows. They walked around and saw no one.

I am sharing this because in my twenty's I believe that I am in a safe bobble. That "who would bother me." I was very wrong. I did not get hurt nor did I get touched. I now though have a crazy man that knows were my home is.

My family and my friends are worried for my safety. The school, bus station, and city police are now involved with my well being.

I was lucky. Most woman are not. I had God standing with me. I how ever am now scared of my every day life.

As a person you need to arm yourself with God, confidences, and the proper self diffidence whatever that may be to you. To me its knowing that God has set my footsteps and to be out of this world is to be standing in front of my God. I am also armed with the right to bear arms to diffident myself. Though I do not like having a gun with me everyday, I do have full promotion to carrier now.

Please be safe and pray for our God to watch your path everyday. Beware of your surroundings. Know your path and watch yourself and others. 

Though I was being followed Two women were walking in front of me and had no idea what happened. We are called to love one anouther and look out for each other.

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 2013 Favorite Product

Favorite Product

Simple - Moisturizing, Cleansing, Exfoliating


My sister was the one that got me so hooked on the SIMPLE products. I was looking for a light easy moisturizer and she told me about it. Then before I knew it I went back and grabbed the trio. 


Cleansing: I have never been very pleased with the "wipes" before. I was very surprised how hard they worked with very little effort on my part. I remove my make up at night and it smoothy takes it all off with out any pain.
Exfoliating: Like many others I thought it would be like running a sander over my face I WAS SCARED I'll own up to that! It is amazing though give it a try you wont be sad. My pores are looking and feeling way better.
Moisturizer Wash: My favorite one. It leaves my face smooth. It doesn't leave my face all oily and sticky like other moisturizer. I use this morning and night. Still have a ton it seems to never run out!!   

 I found the Simple trio at Target. They are affordable and easy to find. Can not wait to go back for the rest of the Simple Products.    


Friday, March 8, 2013

Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dinner

One Steven's favorite meals I make is this chicken dinner thing I made up. For some reason in our home we just ALWAYS have frozen chicken that we can use just for anything. So at least ever few weeks I make this just for Steven. I hope you all of you out there enjoy it as much as my family does. 

(Sorry for the not so great photo i'll update soon!)
  • Defrosted chicken breast.
  • 1 tbsp basil
  • 1 tbsp thyme
  • 1 tbsp garlic salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • any other favorite spices
How to:

1. Heat olive oil in a med. frying pan. 

2. Take the chicken and roll into the seasoning mixer. 

3. Add chicken to the oil and cook in till chicken is white all the way through. I found its best and faster to cover the chicken with a lid on med. heat. 


I normal add home made red potatoes and a veggie with this meal. I have also added pasta with it. The chicken seems to go good with most everything. 

I hope you enjoy!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day of Instagram'ing

Day of Instagram

 Start the day at 5am to take Steven off to work. (With only one car right now we have to take each other around which I don't mind at all I get to spend more time with Steven!!)

Come home have my cup of coffee. (Found my way back into bed somehow! lol)

Get ready for my day of chores and music. (We love having Hobbes close lol)

Clean up our Bedroom.
(Sorry for the hand gun in the photo we have had some weird things going on around our home. I just feel safe with it close to hand. Don't think I could ever hurt anyone though it just looks scary. Right?)

Our living room. (Steven and I found out that we are not heavy drinkers all the bottles you see over there are dusty. Yes I have to dust our bottles lol)

Well this is most of all my daily chores and a small glimpse of the house tour. Poor instagram had an over flow of my normal day.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentines Find!

Valentines Find

As valentines was just last week. I thought that this year I would be the one to do something for Steven

So Dinner you ask right?

I made a lovely potato soup one of Stevens favorites. (Recipe coming soon!)

I went down to Haggen for amazing fresh bread! (Still afraid to try to make my own bread!)


That is were my problem started! I had nothing to put a cake on... 

SO I did something that I shouldn't have, I went to the thrift stores. I was on a hunt for a cake trey. I was looking for one that my grandmother has. (She has pretty Carnival Glass.) Thinking I would never find any I would just settle for vintage.  

Then I saw it... bought it as fast as I could so no one could take it before me! $27.00!!!!

Made a very pretty cake for Steven!

Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese

Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese

Preparation: 20mins  Cooking: 30mins  Serves: 4  Calories Per Serving: 730



8 ounce small elbow macaroni
2 cups large-curd cottage cheese
1 cup sour cream
1 egg lightly beaten
3/4 teaspoon salt 
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons dijon or prepared spicy brown mustard
21/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese 


1. Preheat the oven to 400F. Cook the macaroni according to package directions. 

2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the cottage cheese, sour cream, egg, salt, pepper, mustard, and 2 cups of the cheddar cheese.

3. Drain the macaroni thoroughly in a colander, and toss with the cheese mixture in the bowl. spread the mixture evenly in a buttered 8"x8"x2" backing dish. top with the remaining 1/2 cup of cheddar cheese, and back, uncovered, for 30 to 35mins, or until set. if the macaroni and cheese are browning too quickly, cover with aluminum foil after 20mins of baking.   


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Coat Closet Mess

Our New Coat Closet

So this new year my house goal is to get our home clean and organized. Now this is a very crazy thing I am doing. Meaning every time I get one spot organized the "magic" gnome the lives in our home... (cough cough the man) seems to just come and undo things. So I going to try EASY, CLEAN, and CHEEP organizing.

Welcome to our coat closet.

Before: When we moved in we kinda just throw it all in, and said "I'll fix ya later."

After: We Kept almost all the stuff in and more like moved it around. I moved the one draw system out and cleaned out the other one. (Had more empty bottles of soap and things then our trash right now.) So though we didn't buy anything or do much we still have a finished clean look.

 Top: Our shopping bags, Hats, Scarfs, and Pipe Tobacco (Steven loves his pipe.)
 Hanging: All the coats have been put in their new homes!

Left: Vacuum, Mop, Broom, Bucket, and Kitty Litter
Draw System: Cleaning Things, Rags, and Trash Bags

Now we will not judge me on the mess... RIGHT!! Also keep fingers crossed the our gnome well not be getting his hand on our coat closet!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sore Throat? Heres a DIY!

Sore Throat Tea

 Needed Items: 

  • 2 cups Hot Water
  • 2 TBSP Honey
  • 2 TBSP Vineger
  • 2 TBSP Lemon Joice (fresh or not)
  • Dash of Cinnamon

 How To: 

I normal Boil it all over the stove it seems to mix much better. In an hour should be feeling much better!      


Friday, January 4, 2013

World View

"The world will tell you who you are, in till you tell it who you are."