Friday, March 15, 2013

March 2013 Favorite Product

Favorite Product

Simple - Moisturizing, Cleansing, Exfoliating


My sister was the one that got me so hooked on the SIMPLE products. I was looking for a light easy moisturizer and she told me about it. Then before I knew it I went back and grabbed the trio. 


Cleansing: I have never been very pleased with the "wipes" before. I was very surprised how hard they worked with very little effort on my part. I remove my make up at night and it smoothy takes it all off with out any pain.
Exfoliating: Like many others I thought it would be like running a sander over my face I WAS SCARED I'll own up to that! It is amazing though give it a try you wont be sad. My pores are looking and feeling way better.
Moisturizer Wash: My favorite one. It leaves my face smooth. It doesn't leave my face all oily and sticky like other moisturizer. I use this morning and night. Still have a ton it seems to never run out!!   

 I found the Simple trio at Target. They are affordable and easy to find. Can not wait to go back for the rest of the Simple Products.    


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