Friday, March 15, 2013

March 2013 Favorite Product

Favorite Product

Simple - Moisturizing, Cleansing, Exfoliating


My sister was the one that got me so hooked on the SIMPLE products. I was looking for a light easy moisturizer and she told me about it. Then before I knew it I went back and grabbed the trio. 


Cleansing: I have never been very pleased with the "wipes" before. I was very surprised how hard they worked with very little effort on my part. I remove my make up at night and it smoothy takes it all off with out any pain.
Exfoliating: Like many others I thought it would be like running a sander over my face I WAS SCARED I'll own up to that! It is amazing though give it a try you wont be sad. My pores are looking and feeling way better.
Moisturizer Wash: My favorite one. It leaves my face smooth. It doesn't leave my face all oily and sticky like other moisturizer. I use this morning and night. Still have a ton it seems to never run out!!   

 I found the Simple trio at Target. They are affordable and easy to find. Can not wait to go back for the rest of the Simple Products.    


Friday, March 8, 2013

Chicken Dinner

Chicken Dinner

One Steven's favorite meals I make is this chicken dinner thing I made up. For some reason in our home we just ALWAYS have frozen chicken that we can use just for anything. So at least ever few weeks I make this just for Steven. I hope you all of you out there enjoy it as much as my family does. 

(Sorry for the not so great photo i'll update soon!)
  • Defrosted chicken breast.
  • 1 tbsp basil
  • 1 tbsp thyme
  • 1 tbsp garlic salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • any other favorite spices
How to:

1. Heat olive oil in a med. frying pan. 

2. Take the chicken and roll into the seasoning mixer. 

3. Add chicken to the oil and cook in till chicken is white all the way through. I found its best and faster to cover the chicken with a lid on med. heat. 


I normal add home made red potatoes and a veggie with this meal. I have also added pasta with it. The chicken seems to go good with most everything. 

I hope you enjoy!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day of Instagram'ing

Day of Instagram

 Start the day at 5am to take Steven off to work. (With only one car right now we have to take each other around which I don't mind at all I get to spend more time with Steven!!)

Come home have my cup of coffee. (Found my way back into bed somehow! lol)

Get ready for my day of chores and music. (We love having Hobbes close lol)

Clean up our Bedroom.
(Sorry for the hand gun in the photo we have had some weird things going on around our home. I just feel safe with it close to hand. Don't think I could ever hurt anyone though it just looks scary. Right?)

Our living room. (Steven and I found out that we are not heavy drinkers all the bottles you see over there are dusty. Yes I have to dust our bottles lol)

Well this is most of all my daily chores and a small glimpse of the house tour. Poor instagram had an over flow of my normal day.