Saturday, January 12, 2013

Coat Closet Mess

Our New Coat Closet

So this new year my house goal is to get our home clean and organized. Now this is a very crazy thing I am doing. Meaning every time I get one spot organized the "magic" gnome the lives in our home... (cough cough the man) seems to just come and undo things. So I going to try EASY, CLEAN, and CHEEP organizing.

Welcome to our coat closet.

Before: When we moved in we kinda just throw it all in, and said "I'll fix ya later."

After: We Kept almost all the stuff in and more like moved it around. I moved the one draw system out and cleaned out the other one. (Had more empty bottles of soap and things then our trash right now.) So though we didn't buy anything or do much we still have a finished clean look.

 Top: Our shopping bags, Hats, Scarfs, and Pipe Tobacco (Steven loves his pipe.)
 Hanging: All the coats have been put in their new homes!

Left: Vacuum, Mop, Broom, Bucket, and Kitty Litter
Draw System: Cleaning Things, Rags, and Trash Bags

Now we will not judge me on the mess... RIGHT!! Also keep fingers crossed the our gnome well not be getting his hand on our coat closet!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sore Throat? Heres a DIY!

Sore Throat Tea

 Needed Items: 

  • 2 cups Hot Water
  • 2 TBSP Honey
  • 2 TBSP Vineger
  • 2 TBSP Lemon Joice (fresh or not)
  • Dash of Cinnamon

 How To: 

I normal Boil it all over the stove it seems to mix much better. In an hour should be feeling much better!      


Friday, January 4, 2013

World View

"The world will tell you who you are, in till you tell it who you are."

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Open Door

Hello People in Internet World....

I didn't mean to forget about this blog! 

We have had so much going on the past oh gosh YEAR. Right now I am sitting in our lovely living/office room. Steven and I were not able to buy a home at this time. We have chose to rent the cutest LITTLE one bedroom flat. Family is doing great as for the kitty she has now made it through five moves! (Each time adding a little more weight to her once hunting body.)

The house you are asking... Well we moved into the home that we were going to buy (1937 rambler) under a month to month rental agreement. So soon after that we started to fall in love with it. I was able to get all our stuff out of boxes and find a home for them. Almost four months and three closing dates we lost the home before it was even ours. That came with lots of mixed feelings. Meaning we thought that God had let us move in for a reason. Come to find out it was not the reason we had thought.

What are we doing now? Well we had a month to move mind you this was the month that Christmas falls on the one holiday that Steven and I's family all gets together and has a huge thing. Anywho we looked ever where for a new place to call home. Either it was just way out of our budget. Or it was NO PETS ALLOWED anyone that knows me knows that my kitty is very important. So finely a week before Christmas Steven got online when I was at work. Found the cutest place in the town we love. $650mn kitty is welcomed with out of monthly pet rent. So two days before Christmas my family and I moved us in before Steven was home from work. WE LOVE IT!

 Back to Gods plan. Our stress was high in the house. We had a roommate that we were worried about if the deal feel through. We had the heartache of where will we go next? Well we make it through yet another move? Let me tell you God was good to us. The move seemed to fall all together. The heartache and stress was gone as soon as we signed the new papers. We learned the bad and the good of buying a home and can't wait to do it again in the future we had an amazing team behind us in that and now we have a new God mother out of the deal.

Yes this was a lot. Thank you for those who stuck with me till the end of this ketchup!