Sunday, November 3, 2013

Crazy Cat Lady

Anyone that knows me knows that I am in love with my two kitties.

About three years ago Zoey my calico adopted us in Marysville. She was a baby that couldn’t find her way. I took her in and bagged Steven to let me keep her. He said yes. Now she is a little chub of happy! She loves cuddles and long naps oh and her food bowl.

This year I had another kitty adopted us. He lived two levels above us and was well loved till his owner had to leave. The roommate was not so in love with him and needed him gone. He came in the house one day and I started to feed him and take care of him. A few months in he is very chatter box Slimes named Boots that hunts all day and sleeps somewhat through the night.

About a week ago now he was out all night I went to bed a bet worried but knew he would find his way back in for breakfast.

Morning came and Steven went out for work and Boots came up to the door. Steven knew something was wrong when a trail of blood was left behind him.
He came and got me I was so scared. I cleaned him up and saw a huge hole. Freaking out I knew what it was. A siesta had burst! I didn’t know when but I knew he needed the vet. I made calls all morning to find someone that could do the best care for the best price. Family Pet was the best. (Anyone need a vet Family Pet in Arlington, WA is amazing!)

A day later and $263 less we now had a pissed off Slimes with a drain in his head right below the ear. Twice a day for seven days now we have been giving him pain meds and having to force drain him TWICE A DAY!

Three days into him being trapped, unhappy, tired and med up, he made a jail brake. Steven was outside picking something up and I needed to talk to him so I went for the door and so did Boots, cone and all. Freaking out we rushed around looking talking to people that lived around us searching in the dark.
I call my mom crying and freaking out. I was sitting outside crying and out of nowhere Boots comes out from under our car, walks up to me and cries out. Not a mark on him anywhere! Wanting in my warm sweatshirt we go back in. He has now learned to trust and love us. He is warming up to us more than I ever thought he would.

 As you can imagine we have all been stressed and tired. Poor Steven has had to live with a stressed out kitty mama and two unhappy cats.

Boots is healing nicely and has now taken up sleeping on my work chair and crying all night till someone (ME) goes on the coach to cuddle him back to sleep.

We pray we will never have to go through something like this again. But we are so thankful for all the help and best wishes everyone sent him. We are so glad that he is feeling better.
Special thanks to my mama Deena who drove Mr. Boots and I to the vet.