Friday, October 25, 2013


          I have come to the age where I am on my “own”. Meaning I no longer live with my parents but with my husband (boyfriendL). Which mean I am the “manager” of this home, in money, future children, keeping house, and up-lift Steven.

With money I always thought managing it meant that you put your bills on paper look at the bank account PRAY you have enough in there and then write a check that will hopeful go through when it gets to its place. For four years I have done this. We have yet to have a check bounce or be denied for whatever reason. (This is an act of GOD.) But living in this fear makes us sick and with no peace.
      Then slowly with us pretending that this will all just be okay and go away we started to lose things, like our faith in God and the second car that I used and soon our last car. 
      With the losing of faith we have gotten depressed and feeling alone, scared, hopeless and losing the things that were promised to us when we put our lives in God’s hands.   
      The car! Well we lost mine and Steven’s has never really run just right. Finely it is almost fully dead. We have been “trying” to save up to fix it but just can’t seem to get there.
      Steven came home last night from work and told me that he has found a buy for our guns. Now if you know Steven this is like me telling him that I don’t love him and that I am leaving… this is a huge thing! I was mad so mad I couldn’t understand that what he was doing was putting our worldly treasures to good use. It was a switch guns for a working car and a hope of a second car for me to use.
      All night i was mad and couldn’t see pass my own problem. I went to Steven after dinner and said I was sorry because going to bed with him thinking I was mad was something I couldn’t live with. He then told me that he just felt that for five years now there was a reason for him saving and buying those guns and now he sees the reason. The car is more important it will get us to and from work to keep us living in a state of comfort.
      I then realized today as washing our dishes Matthew 6:19-21. Why couldn’t I see this sooner I wept to God? What was I thinking! Was I really so over taken by the devil of false treasures?  To not see the thing that we teach our children!
       I felt peace and cared for in a way I can’t explain. Then I went on the search like ever God believer does what is treasure? What does God say about it? What is his treasure? I want to understand! I then went to the back of my bible sang my A B C’s till I found T ran my finger down to TREASURE and found this…

TREASURE (D) (S) valuable object (physical or spiritual)
Exudes 19:5
Proverbs 10:2
Matthew 6:19-21, 13:44  

And started to read…

I found Gods treasure was Exodus 19:5. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. WHAT I am Gods treasure when I put my faith in Him!!!

Then I read Proverbs 10:2 Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but Righteousness delivers from death. What does this mean I thought?  Bible please explain yourself here, “Some people bring unhappiness on themselves by choosing ill-gotten treasures. For example, craving satisfaction, they may do something that destroys their chance of ever achieving happiness. God’s principles for right living bring lasting happiness because they guide us to long-term right behavior in spite of our ever-changing feelings.” I took this as if you are craving “worldly” things for me it’s the need to dress like my girlfriends or have a new phone that the radio is advertising or wanted to have a something that we just can’t afford. And God told me as his child that this is wrong. You can want but you want the wrong things. He wants me to behave like His not the devils. That calls me to manage our money smartly to look at the worldly treasures and say, “I want you but I don’t need you. I need a car that runs.”

Which leads me to, Matthew 6:19-21 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be. PEACE!

Then I read what Jesus himself said in Matthew 13:44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”  I started to cry again I’ll be honest. God gave us the kingdom of heaven as a treasure even though it has a bigger price tag then any of us could ever have money for.

See it is bigger than just worldly things like a gun, or a new shirt, new phones, and even a car. We are told to look at the world then look at heaven and chose! For my family we chose God and by doing that we chose to keep the things we need and to give up what we don’t.

I will let you go about your day now with this. Pray! Pray for your treasures for your heart is there. Is it really something you need or just want?