Friday, April 26, 2013

The Sun Is Out!!

Seattle, Washington Sun

This is a huge thing in Seattle, we have had sun for two days straight and we are going to have more then say!! What?! Don't get me wrong I am not crying about this one bit. So what does this Washington girl do in the sun? 


I take a LOT of Instagram photos. I mean why wouldn't you, we have no idea when this will happen again. We must document this! LOL

I watch the fog clear off of the lake early in the morning.
Bring all my school books outside!

Clean up around the house!

Think about how much of a show off my loving God is!! :P

Play with the happy warm kitty!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Thing I Thought Would NEVER Happen to Me

The Thing I Thought Would NEVER Happen to Me

This week i am going to do something a bit different meaning, that i am going to share with you something that i thought would never happen to me.

As some of you might know i started going back to school. I am taking one class, math (ick), something that will help me find my calling in life. Hubby and I chose for me to start taking the bus. (way cheaper)

This was my first week of going back to school. Monday, and Tuesday were a huge learning curve for me, not just the class. I missed buses got so very lost and even had my mom and dad pick me up at random places I ended up at. But that is not where this story is going.

Wednesday I figured the bus out I was on time I found my way to and from school, however on my second morning bus my life changed without me even knowing. I set down and started to read my book were I left off. I was asked by a man about my age what I was reading. I not wanting to be rude told him and went back to reading. This was maybe a 20 word conversation that was what turned me life. I then got off the bus and walked to class.

On my journey home I caught all the right buses and was on my last bus home. I got to my stop exited the bus with a polite thank you and see you tomorrow to the buses driver. I then in-barged on my 15min walk home. Little did I know someone was taking the walk home with me....

I reached to my mail box got my bills, and turned to the voice of a man saying "I don't mean to sound creepy but i had an into-wish-en to follow you. I don't even live in this town."  this was the same man that asked me about my book. I had no clue i was being followed and watched all day. I rushed with an answer of "my husband is home and I need to leave, if you would like to be friends okay but I must go." (Saying this to not spook and start a fight I was not armed to win.)

I rushed into my home called the three closes men to me, my husband, a friend I grown up with, and the man my husband sees as a brother. They raced from three different places to my aid.

I was now locked into my house with my cat and my gun. Waiting for my friends and the cops to show. Crying and shaking my husbands friend showed up and talked me out of the house, two seconds later my husband shows and two seconds behind him my friend shows. They walked around and saw no one.

I am sharing this because in my twenty's I believe that I am in a safe bobble. That "who would bother me." I was very wrong. I did not get hurt nor did I get touched. I now though have a crazy man that knows were my home is.

My family and my friends are worried for my safety. The school, bus station, and city police are now involved with my well being.

I was lucky. Most woman are not. I had God standing with me. I how ever am now scared of my every day life.

As a person you need to arm yourself with God, confidences, and the proper self diffidence whatever that may be to you. To me its knowing that God has set my footsteps and to be out of this world is to be standing in front of my God. I am also armed with the right to bear arms to diffident myself. Though I do not like having a gun with me everyday, I do have full promotion to carrier now.

Please be safe and pray for our God to watch your path everyday. Beware of your surroundings. Know your path and watch yourself and others. 

Though I was being followed Two women were walking in front of me and had no idea what happened. We are called to love one anouther and look out for each other.