Friday, March 16, 2012

House Update

So as I wrote before Steven and I put an offer on a house...
Well that fell through. We have now put three offers in on all different places all feel through...

Yes we are heart broken and really just getting burned out.

Right now we have an offer in on a condo. We are praying that this will go through.
We are switching banks and crossing fingers.

We have a lovely team of people helping and moving us in the right path.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Coffee Induced

Oh my goodness what a night!

So Steven and I went out to our favorite diner tonight after he got home from work. So as usually I get my lovely cup of coffee and whatever sounds good to eat.

Well I didn't just get my normal one cup of coffee no I had to have like four!

So now almost three hours later....

Our room is clean, bathroom is clean, clothes are almost done washing, and I thought the closet needed to be re cleaned so folded all the jeans again and color coded all the shirts!

Now I am ready to sleep.

Oh did I also add the man has slept through ALL of this craziness!? What a trooper to put up with my crazy coffee induced cleaning!

Monday, March 5, 2012


 Ah so my boyfriend and I put our first offer in on a house can not wait to hear back!!! :) 


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hair Problems OR Hair Inspiration?

So this morning I woke up not looking foreword to going to class, as always, I jump out of bed to go to the bathroom to get ready. The first thing I see is my could anyone miss it, it was standing all on its own. So being late as normal I throw it into a bun. I was thinking of how boring that looks so I thought of the 1950's, what would any normal person think so early, so what would Lucille Ball do?? So that is where this hair do come from.

A look for a bad hair day or just cleaning the house. I still think is pretty cute!!
For a tutorial of how this is done you can go to: